Lodge Remains Closed Amid Covid-19 Crisis

Here’s the latest from your Charles City Elks Lodge!

  • FOOD DRIVE • Thanks to your generosity, we were able to donate nearly 200 food items to the Messiah Food Pantry PLUS an additional $50 to help community members. Our Elks members are the BEST!
  • MEETINGS • We are still proceeding without conducting any Lodge meetings. Until we receive guidance from the state (and can figure out how to hold meetings while practicing “social distancing”), we will continue to have Lodge business conducted by the Lodge Board of Directors through their regular online meetings.
  • THURSDAY MEALS • These CONTINUE to be a bright spot for our Lodge! The number of meals served to our members continues to grow. We have gone from serving approximately 50 meals to serving 78 meals last week! This Thursday we are serving Chicken Strips, Cheesy Hash Browns, Asian Cole Slaw, and a Dessert. (Reservations are due by NOON on Wednesday, May 13.) Thanks to our members supporting this project, we are in a much more stable financial position than we would have been. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
  • DUES PAYMENTS • We understand that many of our members have been impacted by the temporary (we hope) loss of jobs during this crisis, and that they may not currently be able to pay their dues at this time. We understand the difficult position you may be in, and we want you to take care of more pressing financial needs first. Once things approach “normal” again, we hope you are able to find the funds to pay your dues and participate in the many activities we hope to resume in the future. At present, 62 members have not yet paid their dues. IF you are financially able, we hope that you will consider paying your dues now so that when our doors reopen, you are able to avail yourself of the many opportunities provided for our members
  • ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY • We have tentatively set Saturday, May 16 for the Lodge to participate in the county’s Adopt-A-Highway program. Those who can assist should meet at the Lodge at 9:00 AM to make assignments on the cleanup program. If you have a hi vis shirt or vest, please consider bringing it with you for our safety. We will than head to Underwood Avenue to clean up the 2-mile stretch of road we have “adopted” the past several years. Once completed, we will return to the Lodge and take care of any other projects that might need attention. Rain date will be May 23.
  • OTHER • While suggestions/requirements for Elks Lodges remain fluid, at present our Lodge Board of Directors feels that we should remain closed for the safety of our members AND our employees. This will be re-evaluated on an ongoing basis, and planning will be done to help us comply with any new requirements that may come our way. We PROMISE to alert you once decisions are made. The Lodge grounds are open for you to use if you’d like to do a little fishing, take a walk around the lake, or to run your pets. We ask that you practice social distancing and that you please pick up after yourselves.
We thank you for your patience during this unique (and sometimes frustrating) situation. As we have mentioned before, we WILL get through this. We ask you stay at home as much as possible, wash your hands, practice social distancing, check on your neighbors, and take care of yourselves. While we miss seeing you at present, we want to make certain that when this is over, we can see ALL of our members once again. With your efforts and God’s blessings, we can make that happen.
God bless!