Charles City Elks Lodge #418
A subordinate Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America
Thursday, March 27
• Beef Burgundy over Noodles
• Lettuce Salad
• Roll w/Butter
• Dessert
Quick Links
Update Charitable Reports
Committee chairs should use this link to file their final reports.
ENF Scholarships
Scholarship opportunities are available to graduating seniors. Applications Due by November 12, 2024.
Membership Inquiry
Interested in joining the Elks? Use the following link to find out more AND to request an application for membership!
Dues Payment
Dues must be payed by April 1 of each year to be considered current. Use the link below if you still need to pay your dues!
Charles City Elks Charitable Trust
The Charles City Elks Charitable Trust is a 501(c)3 organization run by Elks members to provide income to help fund some of the Lodge's charitable activities. Donations to this fund are invested, and the return on those investments are used to assist with these charitable activities. Read on for more information or to make a donation.
Iowa Elks Association
Use the following link to see what is happening on the state level of the Elks
Iowa Elks Vocational Grant Applications
Applications are now available for Iowa Elks Association Vocational Grants. These $1,500 grants are for individuals pursuing a 2-year or less vocational course of study. Click on the link below to download an application and to learn more about this opportunity.
From Our Leaders
Photos of Recent Elks Activities